Sunday, May 13, 2007

Bradford County shelter animals need help

A few days ago, I was contacted by a couple of people from a rescue group called Bradford County Paws (BC Paws), asking me to help get the word out about the situation with the animals in Bradford County, Florida. In a nut shell, this group, which has been working with the animals at the Bradford County Animal Shelter for a while, has lately been receiving a hard time when they go there to help.

The purpose of BC Paws is to assist the shelter with placing dogs in responsible foster and adoptive homes. While most counties would be delighted to have the assistance, I am told the Bradford County Sheriff's Office has stopped "on site adoptions." That means BC Paws don't have the chance to get the animals prepared for adoption. They just want to be allowed to help because they say the animals have a better chance of being adopted out when they are walked on a daily basis, bathed, in general, given the one-on-one attention they so desperately need.

BC Paws says they want their volunteers to be able to help the Bradford County Animal Shelter become more "rescue friendly." The group wants to see the shelter open more hours, both during the week and weekends. They want the volunteers inside, interacting with the animals. And while the county has been making a few improvements at the shelter, there are plenty of people who think there's a lot more work to be done.

Here's how you can help:

1) Sign the petition at "Bradford County, FL, Animal Shelter" .

2) Volunteer to work with the animals at the shelter.

3) Volunteer to become a foster family for an animal in need.

4) Adopt an animal in need from the Bradford County Animal Shelter

Contact Kristie at or call 904-334-7319 for more information about other needs the group may have, i.e., financial donations for veterinary expenses, supplies, cages and more.

1 comment:

AnimalsNeedHelp said...

Hi That's a noble cause you have there on animal shelters, we're looking for blogroll partners on our stop animal cruelty blog if you are interested.