Monday, November 10, 2008

Help for people with pets

I've been working on an idea for a new Web site that would help people with pets keep their pets during the current financial upheaval. There are simply too many beautiful animals being abandoned - or worse - when people are forced to leave their homes due to foreclosure or the downsizing of their wallets. Granted, there will always be people who welcome any opportunity to dump a dog or cat and being kicked out of their home will be just another great excuse. However, there are many others who love their pet dearly and just need a bit of assistance to stay united with their companion animal.

I put the idea out to my email contacts last month and was heartened to get many replies of encouragement and offers to assist. I've already compiled a fairly good list of resources for low cost vet care, free pet food, medical care assistance, and more, and am tracking down others.

If you know of any avenues of assistance, either on a local level where you live, or nationally, please drop me a note at I hope to get the site online before the end of the year. Thank you!